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Land and Development Monitoring

Monitoring residential and employment land use activities

Adequate and evenly distributed land supply is fundamental in ensuring the social and economic future of SA. Monitoring land supply and development activity today helps to increase housing accessibility and affordability tomorrow.

Residential Land Development Monitor

The Residential Land Development Monitor provides summary information about activity levels for different stages of the land subdivision process in South Australia. The report includes key figures, charts and tables at local government, regional and state-wide levels on:

  • proposed allotments in land divisions
  • approved allotments in land divisions
  • completed allotments in land divisions
  • dwelling approvals
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Residential broadhectare land supply

The Residential Broadhectare Land Supply report provides information about the amount, ownership and distribution of broadhectare land in residential zones of the Greater Adelaide region and selected rural townships.

The report monitors:

  • the level of supply
  • location and ownership of available broadhectare land in the Greater Adelaide region and selected rural townships
  • current land division applications
  • state government land for release
  • annual broadhectare consumption.
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Residential demolition and resubdivision activity (minor infill)

Minor infill refers to sites less than 4,000minvolving the permanent removal of a dwelling (demolition), or resubdivision of a parcel to create an additional allotment/s with the original dwelling retained (resubdivision). It is estimated that minor infill represents around one-third of the total dwelling stock growth in metropolitan Adelaide each year.

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Page last modified Monday, 7 September 2020