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Concept plans released for River Road junction upgrades

Sunday, 20 October 2024
Concept plans have been released for junction upgrades to improve safety and access along River Road in the Adelaide Hills.
The upgrades include safety improvements at the junctions of River Road/Mount Barker Road and River Road/Strathalbyn Road, as well as minor improvements at the junctions of River Road with Fairview, Sawmill Gully and Kangaroo Reef roads.
The designs aim to deliver the best overall safety outcomes by creating safe turning paths for all vehicles, improving sight lines and enhancing connectivity and access.
The plan for the junction of Mount Barker and River roads includes an extension of the existing right turn lane for traffic turning into River Road. Bus bays on Mount Barker Road will also be relocated east of the junction and indented to improve traffic flow, with improved pedestrian facilities including a new footpath and a new pedestrian refuge.
The Strathalbyn and River roads junction upgrade includes a new right turn lane for traffic turning into River Road, and safety and accessibility improvements to the Heysen Trail.
Other improvements at these two junctions will include road widening, line marking, signage, resurfacing, roadside protection, plus new and improved lighting and drainage.
The River Road junction with Fairview Road will be realigned to improve accessibility, line of sight and safety for all road users.
Minor improvements including some road widening, line marking and signage will be undertaken at the River Road junctions with Sawmill Gully and Kangaroo Reef roads.
These projects will complement the Hahndorf township heavy vehicle restriction introduced in October 2023 and maintenance works already completed on River Road.
The upgrades will be jointly funded by the South Australian and Australian governments and will support 60 full time equivalent jobs over the construction period.
Early works are planned to start in late 2024, followed by main works which are expected to be completed in late 2025.
To view the concept plans and register for updates, please visit www.dit.sa.gov.au/RiverRoad. The designs will also be available to view at the Mount Barker District Council offices. To provide feedback, please email dit.engagement@sa.gov.au or call 1300 794 880 - feedback received will be used to inform the final detailed design of the junction upgrades.