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Have your say on North Adelaide Transport Study

Tuesday, 30 January 2024
The South Australian Government is undertaking a transport study for northern Adelaide inner and outer suburbs to inform future transport planning and investment in the region.
The study will consider key issues and opportunities to improve transport, such as road safety and efficiency, and its ability to support liveability, and population and economic growth.
The study area consists of the inner and outer northern suburbs of Adelaide, from Prospect to Roseworthy, and Buckland Park to One Tree Hill.
To help address the housing crisis, the Government is fast tracking the largest release of residential land in the State’s history, with a large proportion in northern Adelaide.
It is important to understand the implications of that growth and be clear on what investment is required to ensure the transport network effectively moves people and goods safely and efficiently into the future.
This study will identify transport improvement options that build on the existing investment already underway by the Government in this region.
Current projects include the upgrades of northern suburbs local intersections such as John Rice Avenue and Haydown Road, Yorktown Road and Adams Road, Wynn Vale Drive and Bridge Road and Heaslip Road and Curtis Road intersection upgrade.
Community and stakeholder engagement is important for the successful delivery of this study. As part of the planning process, consultation with the community and other key stakeholders will be conducted.
Please visit https://dit.sa.gov.au/adelaide-north-transport-study for further information about how to get involved and to provide your input via a survey and face-to-face engagement until 3 March 2024.