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South Road Tram Overpass Upgrade

New website for project updates

This project is part of the Tram Grade Separation Projects. It will be delivered by the recently appointed Tram Grade Separation Projects Alliance (TGSPA).

For the latest project information from TGSPA, visit

As part of the Tram Grade Separation Projects (TGSP), we are rebuilding the existing tram overpass on South Road at Glandore to accommodate the River Torrens to Darlington Project (T2D) lowered motorway.

This project is jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian Governments as part of the $15.4 billion T2D Project.

The Tram Grade Separation Projects Alliance (TGSPA) will rebuild the existing overpass together with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport. The TGSPA will also deliver the Marion Road and Cross Road Level Crossing Removal and Morphett Road Level Crossing Removal projects.

Artist impression - Glenelg tram overpass

Latest updates

  • Early investigation works and planning is underway at Glandore with construction works commencing late 2024. Works are expected to be complete mid 2026.
  • More information on the construction staging will be available in the coming months as we work through the detailed construction program.
    Read more in the MAC and SRTO project update (PDF, 567 KB).

To stay updated, you can register to receive updates from the project team.

Project design

Upgrades to the SRTO will not require acquisition of properties beyond those already acquired as part of the T2D Project.

We are working closely with the T2D Project team to make sure activities are co-ordinated and you are kept well informed about activities in your area.

Work on the urban design elements, under the new overpass, will be integrated with the T2D Project Urban Design Strategy.

Tram line temporary closure

To fast-track construction and reduce its impact on residents, businesses, and road and public transport users, we will be temporarily closing the Glenelg tram line between South Terrace and Glenelg.

We have worked hard to co-ordinate activities so that we can complete the major projects during the closure period.

The tram line closure will start in the second half of 2025. We will have the tram line ready for testing and commissioning late 2025 with services scheduled to resume late January 2026 in time for the return of school.

We will run substitute buses between South Terrace and Glenelg during this time.

Learn about the tram line temporary closure.

More information

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