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Morphett Road Level Crossing Removal

New website for project updates

This project is part of the Tram Grade Separation Projects. It will be delivered by the recently appointed Tram Grade Separation Projects Alliance (TGSPA).

For the latest project information from TGSPA, visit

As part of the Tram Grade Separation Projects (TGSP), we are removing the level crossing at Morphett Road, Morphettville.

Removing this level crossing will reduce traffic congestion and make your journey safer and more reliable.

This $200 million level crossing removal project is jointly funded (50:50) by the Australian and South Australian governments.

The Tram Grade Separation Projects Alliance (TGSPA) will deliver a new overpass for this project together with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport. The TGSPA will also deliver the Marion Road and Cross Road Level Crossing Removal and the South Road Tram Overpass Upgrade projects.

Latest updates

  • The Morphett Road level crossing removal is now part of the TGSP.
    Read the news article.
  • Planning is underway including working through the detailed construction program.
  • Major construction will start in early 2025 and the level crossing will be removed by the end of 2025.
    Read more in the project update (PDF, 779 KB).
  • Read the latest works notice and fact sheet.

To stay updated, you can register to receive updates from the project team.

Project benefits

The TGSPA will build a new overpass for trams, cyclists and pedestrians in place of the existing tram level crossing.
Removing this congested level crossing will make your journey safer and more reliable meaning:

  • No more waiting at busy boom gates that are down for up to 16 minutes each hour in peak
  • Less time in peak hour traffic
  • Quicker and safer trips for drivers and pedestrians
  • A smoother journey for cyclists, avoiding busy roads

Benefits of an overpass

Following extensive investigation work, a rail overpass has been determined as the best solution. Compared to an underpass, this approach will:

  • minimise the impact to the Morphett Road and Anzac Highway intersection
  • significantly reduce the impacts to the surrounding environment for example no property acquisition is required
  • have the shortest construction time minimising disruption to locals, as well as road and public transport users
  • protect the Sturt River and other ground water courses
  • provide new public space under and around the overpass structure
  • be delivered within the approved budget (an underpass cannot be delivered within the approved budget).

Key project features

  • New, safer and more accessible trams stops.
  • Tram Stop 12 (Morphett) relocated eastward and combined with the Morphettville Racecourse.
  • Tram Stop 13 (Glengowrie) rebuilt closer to Morphett Road.
  • New open community space under the tram line.
  • Elevated Mike Turtur Bikeway and shared use path alongside the tram line creating safer and smoother journeys.
  • Upgrades to the Morphett Road and Anzac Highway intersection to further improve the flow of traffic, ease congestion and improve travel times and safety.

Tram line temporary closure

To fast-track construction and reduce its impact on residents, businesses, and road and public transport users, we will be temporarily closing the Glenelg tram line between South Terrace and Glenelg.

We have worked hard to co-ordinate activities so that we can complete the major projects during the closure period.

The tram line closure will start in the second half of 2025. We will have the tram line ready for testing and commissioning late 2025 with services scheduled to resume late January 2026 in time for the return of school.

We will run substitute buses between South Terrace and Glenelg during this time.

Learn about the tram line temporary closure.

Upgrade to Morphett Road and Anzac Highway Intersection

As part of the project, the intersection at Morphett Road and Anzac Highway will be upgraded to further improve the flow of traffic, ease congestion and improve travel times.

The Morphett Road and Anzac Highway intersection upgrade includes:

  • installation of two dedicated right turn lanes from Morphett Road onto Anzac Highway City bound
  • installation of two through lanes travelling northbound on Morphett Road
  • extension of left turn lane from Anzac Highway onto Morphett Road south bound
  • installation of two through lanes travelling southbound on Morphett Road
  • new dedicated right turn lane from Morphett Road onto Anzac Highway west bound
  • new and upgraded traffic signals, LED road lighting, line marking and drainage
  • new asphalt, kerb and gutters.

Click image to view a larger version.

Concept map showing the Morphett Road and Anzac Highway intersection.

More information

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