Topic 1 Getting organised

Learning intention

Students will create a SMART goal related to Way2Go Bike Ed.

Students will identify appropriate bike riding clothing and accessories and explain the benefits of their use.

Time: 90 minutes


Download Topic 1 PowerPoint | Student Learning Journals

Australian Curriculum links

Health & Physical Education

Year 3/4 - ACPPS033

Examine how success, challenge and failure strengthen personal identities

Year 3/4 - ACPPS036

Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing

Year 5/6 - ACPPS054

Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing

General capabilities

Personal and social capability

Critical and creative thinking

  • Lesson A Instruction guide: Creating a goal

    1. Ask the class:-
      • Who has ridden a bicycle before? Why?
      • Are there any other reasons that someone might ride a bike?
    1. As a class, brainstorm what you might need to know or be able to do to ride a bike safely. Record these ideas for the class to view.
    1. Tell the students that next week they are going to participate in Way2Go Bike Ed and briefly explain what the program is about.
    1. Share a SMART goal you have for yourself in the program (or the generic one below if you prefer). Use it as an example to discuss how to make a general goal SMART by making it specific, realistic and time bound; including the benefits of doing so. Record this on the class template.

    E.g. General: My goal is to be able to control my bike when riding

    SMART: My goal in to be able to control my bike when riding in a straight line within three weeks.

    1. Share some challenges you might face then ask the class to brainstorm what actions you could take to help you succeed. Conclude with how you could evaluate your success.
    1. Tell students to think about what they would like to learn or be able to do relating to bike riding and why this is important to them. Students record their own SMART goal either in their student journal or on a photocopied template for you to keep in a private and secure place.

    Consider having more capable students investigate local facilities and riding groups that may support them to achieve their goal (H & PE Yr 7/8 - Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing ACPPS073).

    1. Discuss why one would evaluate a goal before trying again (redo step).
    2. During Way2Go Bike Ed provide opportunities for students to review their progress. At the end of the time period or program, have students reflect on their success.
  • Lesson B Instruction guide: Getting ready to ride

    1. Read out the scenario to the class and then ask the class what went wrong. Guide the discussion to emphasise the importance of being organised and how this contributes to achieving goals.

    Last night I was really excited about being allowed to ride to school this morning. It’s my goal to do it every Wednesday. Today I got up late because nobody woke me up! I was in such a rush to get ready it time and I couldn’t find one clean pair of socks in the mountain of laundry… bah!  Then my big sister moved my homework from the kitchen table to eat breakfast so I was searching the house frantically looking for it to put it in my bag... Grr! And then to top it off my helmet was in the shed and dad took the keys to work so I couldn’t get it out. So mum said “not today” and made me go in the car with her. I was so disappointed.

    1. Direct students to the ready to ride page template in their student journal and explain that they are going to use it to get organised for Way2Go Bike Ed.  Initiate a class brainstorm about the kind of clothing they will need to wear for the current weather and how these contribute to their safety.

    E.g. Closed in footwear, laced tucked in so it doesn’t get caught on the chain.

    Ask them what else they need to bring

    E.g. Water, to stay hydrated

    Asthma puffer, so I can use it if I need to

    Students may believe that they need to wear a hat underneath their helmet for sun safety. Clarify that they will not need to wear a hat whilst riding their bike and that they will find out why when they learn about helmets.

    1. Use one item from the discussion and ask the class what they could do to help them remember to wear/ bring it to school

    E.g. I’ll clip my helmet to my school bag the night before so I don’t forget to bring it.

    1. Have individual students record in their student journal what they need to bring and how.

    Students who finish early can complete 'Bikes - My thoughts' on pg 4 - 5.

    1. Tell the class that you are going to show them some pictures and they are going to put their hands on their head when they can spot the odd one out (See PPT). Show the camouflage pictures and record the response rate (time) for each. Repeat for the odd one out pictures.
    1. Ask the class which ones were easier/ quicker to spot and why (bright, easy to differentiate from background), then discuss how this applies to the visibility of bike riders on the road. Tell students that when the instructors come they will provide a high visibility vest for them to wear for safety, and that they will need to put it on at the start of each session. The vest will have a number and they will wear that same vest for each session.

    Use this task as opportunity to develop students science inquiry skills.

    Students may assume that wearing bright reflective clothing will means others will see them. Clarify that it is more likely they will be seen, and that safe behaviour is just as important. If students own bright clothing encourage them to wear it if they are riding their bike to school.


Complete in class work and discuss the ready to ride plan with parent/caregiver


Student learning journal – My Way2Go Bike Ed goal and Ready to Ride