Topic 3: Rules and laws

Learning intention

Students will understand the difference between school rules and government laws relating to bike riding.

Student will know that laws shape our decisions and behaviour as a road user.

Time:  60 mins


Download Topic 3 PowerPoint | Student Learning Journals

Australian Curriculum links

Humanities and Social Science

Cross curricular opportunities


General capabilities

Year 4 ACHASSK092

The differences between ‘rules’ and ‘laws’, why laws are important and how they affect the lives of people, including experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Year 5 ACHASSK117

Why regulations and laws are enforced and the personnel involved

Year 6 ACHASSK147

The shared values of Australian citizenship and the formal rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens

Year 4 ACELY1687

Interpret ideas and information in spoken texts and listen for key points in order to carry out tasks and use information to share and extend ideas and information

Year 5 ACELY1699

Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal and informal situations, connecting ideas to students’ own experiences and present and justify a point of view

Year 6 ACELY1709

Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions

Critical and creative thinking

Personal and social capability

  • Lesson A Instruction guide: The difference between school rules and traffic laws

    1. Remind the class about the three rules that the Way2Go Bike Ed instructors introduced during the first session. Discuss as a class the meaning of each rule. Record their thoughts about the actions, words and attitudes they bring to Way2Go Bike Ed.
    2. Respect




      e.g.  Bikes and helmets are returned with no damage

    1. Have each student select a specific behaviour that they can show for each of the rules and record this in their student learning journal. Tell them that you and the instructors will be looking out for students who are demonstrating these behaviours throughout the program.
    2. Discuss how following the Way2Go Bike Ed rules helps keep them safe and makes the sessions enjoyable for everyone. Pose a problem by asking … “but what about when we are out on the road in traffic with people that aren’t from our school… how do they know what to do?”
    3. Allow this step to set the scene for why we have laws by pausing to create an atmosphere of intrigue, rather than telling student the answer.

    4. Display the law comic and then ask  - “what is a traffic law?”. Share the examples of traffic laws.  Initiate a ‘think – pair – share’ for students to discuss what everyday travel might be like if these traffic laws didn’t exist.
    5. Ask the class what it is that makes a law different from a rule. Record ideas on the board for the class to see. 
      Our class has to follow them
      They are created by us and the Way2Go Bike Ed leaders
      Way2Go Bike Ed leaders enforce them, with student support (reminding others if needed)
      Everybody in SA has to follow them
      They are created by the government
      The police enforce them, with community support (reporting unsafe behaviour)
    6. Students then complete pg. 28 - 29 in their student learning journal.

    Students who finish early can complete the other activates on pg. 23 - 25 in their student learning journal.

    1. Share and discuss  the ‘rule or law’ answers with the class and then have students mark their own work.
  • Lesson B Instruction guide: Traffic rules and laws – how they shape and affect our lives

    1. Recap on lesson A, highlighting the reasons for having traffic rules and laws. Display the school zone signage and ask students if they are familiar with them. As a class discuss:
      • Each sign’s words and images – what is the message?
      • (What does the sign aim to get people to do and think about?)

      • Why have school zones?
      • (Think about speed  and people’s safety)

      • Why is it important to think about the safety of everybody when arriving at or leaving school?
      • (Guide students to think about everyone’s right to be safe, regardless of their mode of transport - walking, riding or travelling by car)

    Probe students to consider how traffic laws reflect Australian values, such as respect and inclusion (Yr 7 - How values, including freedom, respect, inclusion, civility, responsibility, compassion, equality and a ‘fair go’, can promote cohesion within Australian society (ACHASSK197)).

    1. Students then complete the questions on pgs. 30 - 31 in their student learning journal.
    2. Share the PPT slides with the correct meaning of each sign and have students mark their own work.
    3. Reinforce the message that traffic rules and laws guide our travel behaviour and protect everyone’s right to be safe.

    Consider how the students could take a leadership role in raising awareness about  the school zone and promote safer driver and pedestrian behaviour at drop off and pick up time.


Students learning journal – rules and laws.