Welcome to Way2Go

Way2Go is a statewide South Australian program promoting safer, greener and more active travel for primary school students and their communities. It uses a whole school approach built on a partnership between local councils, school communities and the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT).


  • encourages children and the community to safely walk, ride bikes or scooters, and use public transport for personal travel
  • supports students to be safe walkers, scooter and bike riders and passengers
  • promotes the development of safe, people friendly local streets near schools to support independent personal travel
  • Is creating change in school community travel modes through a problem solving approach based on Travel Behaviour Change methodology
  • supports school road safety education practices that are embedded within the regular curriculum and reflect the nationally supported Principles for School Road Safety Education and the National Practices for Early Childhood Road Safety Education
  • benefits the whole community.

Local councils partner with DIT and school communities to identify, plan and implement people focused, safe and innovative improvements in local streets near schools to support active travel.

School communities establish partnerships at different levels depending on their capacity. Way2Go schools make a commitment to engage in an evidence-based planning process that aligns with their school priorities and passions. They access release time for planning and intense support for development of their unique School Travel Plan along with funding for facilities and initiatives that support active travel e.g. small scale infrastructure improvements, bike & scooter shelters. The plan has a medium to long term time frame, includes curriculum components and identifies measurable and achievable goals, see Way2Go in Action.